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    Greenwich Farmers’ Market Place

    Greenwich Farmers’ Market – Dr. Willett

    Plan Ahead!!!

    Dr. Willett and his handmade jewelry

    Dr. Willett and his handmade polished stone jewelry

     Greenwich Farmers’ Market Place will continue in 2014 each Saturday from May 3rd to September 27 with a break for the Fireman’s Festival  Parade on July 5th.  The first Greenwich Farmers’ Market Place will begin Saturday, May 3rd from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.  Vendor setup begins at 8:00 a.m. $10 per space. 

    Vendor’s information packets are available now at the Greenwich Library during normal business hours. Fill the packets out in advance and save time on Saturday. Tell you family, call your acquaintances, facebook your friends!! Amazing things will be a happening this summer!!