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    Monthly Archives: November 2016

    Before and After Photos of the Greenwich Reservoir – Winter of 1956-57 – a donation by Mr. Chase of North Fairfield


    Greenwich Reservoir Park before the Reservoir – 1956


    Greenwich Reservoir Park after the Reservoir – 1957

    Comments by Russ Enzor

    Both of these photos were probably 1957. The lower one could possibly be early 1958. The road on the left of the upper photo was not built until 1957 when the Corps of Engineers was constructing the reservoir. On a spring day in 1957 Gerald Kramb used his ‘dozer to cut open the north end of the old reservoir to drain it. The town could not have afforded to construct the new one if the Corps of Engineers had not come in to do it. I was only 15 but I was allowed to drive one of their trucks to haul dirt away. In the foreground of the upper photo is the property of A.C. Miller our next door neighbor to the north. In the foreground of the lower photo is the property of my parents, Dean and Madge Enzor. They gave permission to have a pool constructed on our land to catch silt so the new reservoir would not silt in. Many of us delightfully swam in the new reservoir until, tragically, my good friend Jim Barker drowned on July 4th, 1958. There is a memorial page to him in the 1959 South Central yearbook. Eventually, swimming was banned all together. Thanks again for the great work you are doing in posting these old photos.